
Updated Virtual Inventory

Our virtual inventory goes LIVE! Updates to our Consumer Electronics, DJ Equipment and Clothing Departments will provide a real time virtual inventory for these departments. These continuing updates will reduce back-orders and out of stock delays. Look for updates in all departments in the near future and further updates on a 3-4 week interval. We at Otisburg.com are continually making strides to become the place you go for everything you need!

New account with Pricegrabber.com

One of the biggest and most well known price comparison shopping websites out there, Pricegrabber.com can filter your purchasing needs in a variety of ways. Pricegrabber.com has been noted by Consumer Reports and Shop Smart Magazine as one of the best ways to find the lowest price on whatever you are shopping for. Naturally, Pricegrabber.com is a perfect fit for Otisburg.com's product line, as we pride ourselves on providing the best prices on the web! We look foward to our new relationship with the comparison shopping mega-site and the benefits it will provide not only to Otisburg.com but to the consumer.



We have taken on a new employee - Brian Markle, a well rounded young man filled with hopes and ideals of any bright minded red blooded American. He's going to be working on the content and proofreading the products information and he's also in charge of getting you some detailed photos of products. He has dreams of becoming an astronaut cowboy and he doesn't have any diseases (that we know of). Welcome aboard Brian!